
Xi Digital Blog

What Are The Benefits of PPC?

Whether you’ve just recently learned about PPC marketing or you are looking to learn more, you’ve come to the right place. PPC stands for pay-per-click, a specific type of marketing strategy where an individual, brand or business advertises their products or services and pays a fee each time their ad is clicked on. This marketing strategy is a way to buy traffic to your website as opposed to organic search engine optimization that is free or “earned”. Now you may be wondering, why would I pay for potential customers to visit my site when I can use SEO to bring them in for free? Good question. In this blog, we are going to outline the benefits of PPC and PPC management in Toronto.

PPC Can Help Contribute To Your Business Goals

Most businesses have a variety of goals they are looking to achieve each year. From expanding brand exposure, driving new leads, or generating more e-commerce sales, PPC Marketing is a powerful strategy to support all your business and marketing goals. The success of any PPC campaign depends on the support you have from a local digital marketing agency. At Xi Digital, our marketing team devises custom plans to maximize your results. And enable you to track every conversion earned through pay per click, to support the sales funnel.

Measuring Your Goals

PPC marketing started with Google Ads but is now offered on other powerful platforms such as YouTube, BING, Yahoo, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and more. One great thing about this strategy is that all your marketing efforts are easily measurable. Integrating Google Ads or any PPC platform with your Website Analytics will allow you to visualize the effectiveness of your campaigns, depending on your business goals, and empower you to readjust to maximize results. 

Getting Started is Quick 

Unlike SEO, which may take months of optimization efforts in order to rank on the first page of the major search engines, PPC campaign set ups are quicker. Once you define your business goals and strategy, build out the campaigns and create unique content for the ads, your digital agency can take over from there.. At Xi Digital we are proud of our knowledge and skill with PPC and we are very transparent allowing clients to understand exactly how we are generating the best ROI from their Ads campaigns.

PPC Works in Conjunction With Other Marketing Efforts

In addition to pay per click marketing, many businesses are investing time and money into content marketing. With original and valuable content, businesses can positively impact the buyer's journey if implemented correctly. With these two search engine marketing techniques working together, businesses can use PPC Strategies to drive users to their content, keeping them engaged leading to better ROI on both fronts

Specific Target Marketing

When leveraging PPC marketing, audience targeting should be specific, well-thought-out, and effective. Your PPC management team in Toronto can help create targeted campaigns that attract the ideal customer to your ads. Working with you, marketers will include target keywords, remarketing ads based on consumer behaviour, as well as leverage demographics and interests specific to target. When you experiment with different targets, you eventually derive enough data to determine which markets you need to continue with to leverage and create your buyer persona. 

Contact The Experts at Xi Digital for PPC Management in Toronto

With the right digital marketing agency behind your business, PPC marketing is a reliable and profitable investment. The best thing about it is that you’re in complete control. If you decide to run a campaign for one month, three months or one year, the choice is yours and you can pause your PPC ads at any time.

Contact Xi Digital, your trusted marketing partner to get started today or learn more. Fill out our online form or give us a call at 416-628-5410 for more information.


More Information on PPC Marketing:

Make an Impression & Get Creative with Xi Digital

The key to successful marketing online is creativity and strategy. At Xi Digital, we blend both aspects to deliver tailored strategies that work for your business. Make the most of the holidays with digital marketing, from social media to search engine optimization and paid ads. Contact us today to get started!

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