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SEO vs. PPC: Everything You Need to Know

When developing your digital marketing strategy, two of the most common strategies you’ll come across are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing. While both efforts focus on being found in Google Search Results, they function very differently, and each requires an entirely unique strategy according to your business’s offering and goals.

No matter how you allocate your digital marketing efforts, here’s what you need to know about SEO and PPC management in Toronto so that you can get started on getting your business found. 

Search Engine Optimization 

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, refers to strategically creating content on and within your web pages to boost your domain authority, and in turn organic search rank in order to attract the most qualified and likely to convert users. More than 26% of users click on the first result of their Google search - 10x more often than they click the 10th result. For newer businesses or those with low marketing budgets, that coveted first position is one of your most powerful sources of free, qualified traffic.

But what does it take to earn that top spot? While SEO has greatly evolved since its humble beginnings, there are a few key elements that are instrumental in boosting your search rank, domain authority and an overall successful SEO strategy. When executed strategically and professionally, SEO optimization costs offer a significant return on investment, boosting brand awareness as well as profitability.

  • Keyword List - a concise set of target keywords and terms related to your brand and product offering, which you’ll include in all your marketing content in order to indicate to Google that your brand or business is an authority or thought leader for those terms.
  • Meta Tags - phrases using your target keywords that sit in the backend code of your website that “tell” Google crawlers what information the webpage content includes. Various tags have different functions and criteria, and include:
    • Meta Title
    • Meta Description
    • Image Alt Tag
    • Titles (H1, H2, H3 etc.)
  • Content/Copy - the written content of your website provides the most opportunity to use your target keywords and offer important, relevant information on topics related to these keywords. Word count is very important; too much or too little could indicate to Google that the content either doesn’t offer enough information or that the information is difficult to digest causing high bounce rates.
  • Backlinks - these are links from other websites to yours. A backlink profile with a healthy mix of do-follow, no follow, and organic links indicate to Google that other websites find your content to be a useful reference, leading to higher domain authority.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

PPC marketing refers to ad links that appear at the top and bottom of Google Search Results. These links are paid, and the cost per click to your business depends on the competitiveness of your target keywords and demographic. For example “ppc marketing Toronto” may have a higher cost per click than “ppc marketing Vaughan”, since Vaughan is located just outside of the metropolitan city. It’s important to carefully identify which keywords will offer the best return on investment.

In addition to a well-researched keyword list, to execute a successful PPC marketing strategy, you’ll also need the following:

  • A Budget - your budget will determine much of how your PPC marketing campaign goals are achievable. Based on what you are able to spend, you will determine which keywords to target, and what mix of organic and paid search marketing to implement.
  • A Well-Written Offer - PPC ads are labelled as such. In order to convince your audience that you’re not just trying to sell them something for the sake of it, you need to offer them something that appeals to their specific need to entice a click-through
  • Landing Pages - these are web pages that are specifically created to sell your offer. Key content items and layouts will contribute to a better flow and more compelling offer

Is it time to revamp your digital marketing strategy, but you don’t know whether to invest in SEO or PPC management in Toronto? The short answer: both. How to invest and create a strategy for either is a little more complex, and really depends on how new your business is its goals, and marketing budget. Sound confusing? Xi Digital can help! 

Xi Digital is a team of Certified Google Partners who have helped countless businesses develop and execute the ideal mix of SEO and PPC marketing efforts throughout Toronto, Vaughan and the GTA. Call us today to find out how we can help you amplify your business!

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The key to successful marketing online is creativity and strategy. At Xi Digital, we blend both aspects to deliver tailored strategies that work for your business. Make the most of the holidays with digital marketing, from social media to search engine optimization and paid ads. Contact us today to get started!

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