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Website Design Elements That Will Boost Conversions

Are you looking to boost conversions on your website? As a business owner, it’s important to always be searching for new ways to tune up your site and increase conversions (from web traffic into potential business). While elements like SEO (search engine optimization), social media marketing and PPC (pay per click) contribute to the overall success of your company, many digital marketers will tell you that custom web design elements have a huge impact on the success of your business and website.

As your digital marketing experts and trusted website design company, Xi Digital has created a list of website design elements that will help you attract more visitors, turn them into customers and continue to successfully grow your business.

1. A Custom Web Design

If you’re looking to stand out from the crowd, you’ve come to the right place. While most website design companies will tell you that web design consists of what the consumer sees on the front-end of your site, we believe it is much more than that. Web design consists of both the front end, what the consumer/visitor sees and interacts with, and what the business owner and administration interact with and update or edit the website with. The team at Xi Digital does it all. All of our websites are custom designed to ensure that no other company’s website is similar to yours. We use a custom proprietary CMS (content management system) called JuiceBox that is fast, simple and secure but based on the most popular and widely-used technologies. JuiceBox was created to eliminate any type of complexity when it comes to managing your website content. It allows you to manage and edit all service pages, blogs, galleries, products, promotions and any other content on your website in the easiest way possible in order to produce the best results.

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2. Make Your Call To Action Stand Out

One of the most important aspects of any web page is the call to action button. This is the button or form that will actually boost your conversions as users will click on it to either learn more about your service or to make a purchase. In order to boost conversions, it only makes sense to have your call to action button/form stand out. Using contrasting colours, a container, or other content on the page to drive users towards the call to action are just a few ways to make it stand out. Xi Digital can help create a custom web design that ensures your call to action is visible and will help boost conversions.

3. E-Commerce Sites

What better way to boost conversions than to create an e-commerce site allowing customers to purchase your products or services right away online. By offering your inventory online, you provide customers with direct access to making a purchase without any buffers. Choosing a website design company like Xi Digital can help develop and build a custom e-commerce website tailored exactly to yours and your customer’s needs.

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Xi Digital is Your Trusted Website Design Company

Whether you’re looking to start from scratch, or simply want to update your current website design, Xi Digital can help. With a team of top-level designers, developers and digital marketing specialists, we know exactly how to bring in new users and successfully turn them into happy customers. All you have to do is trust our expertise and book a consultation with us today. Visit our website at xi-digital.com or give us a call at 416-628-5410 for more information.

Make an Impression & Get Creative with Xi Digital

The key to successful marketing online is creativity and strategy. At Xi Digital, we blend both aspects to deliver tailored strategies that work for your business. Make the most of the holidays with digital marketing, from social media to search engine optimization and paid ads. Contact us today to get started!

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