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Tips for a High Converting Landing Page

As businesses increasingly turn to digital marketing to strengthen their online presence and improve leads, they must find ways to not only rank higher but to also convert web visitors into actual business leads and sales. That's where landing pages come in. A landing page is a great tool to increase business for the web with, but creating an effective page involves a number of smart practices to follow. A successful, high converting landing page comes down to the science of its content, layout, and design. 

Generating leads for your business is essential. That's why we've put together a list of expert tips for building a landing page that works. 


The first priority when building a landing page should be to determine the layout of your page. Studies agree that most readers absorb content in an F-shaped pattern, which means as they move down the page, they will reduce how much of the content they are actually reading, especially on the right side of the page. 

This means that it's in your best interest to put a capture form or a call to action on your page above the fold - the point where visitors have to scroll to access more content.

Towards the bottom of your page, the text should be increasingly focused to the left of the page, and photos should ideally be kept to the right, so readers don't miss valuable information. 

Call to Action 

A call to action, or a CTA, is the point where you are telling a visitor to complete an action, such as call, email, message, or submit a contact form. A compelling CTA will prompt action and convert visitors into customers. CTAs are small but integral for the functionality of your landing page. Without them, there is less opportunity to generate sales from your website visitors. Research indicates that you should have multiple CTAs on your landing page and links to phone numbers, emails, and capture forms so your visitors won't have to look hard for those.


A headline is your opportunity to attract a potential lead, so it should be punchy, engaging, relevant and large. A common choice for headlines are questions that would help a visitor qualify whether your service or product offering is relevant to them. 

For example: Do you wish you could rank higher on Google? 

Once you've asked a question to which a reader can answer "yes," you've engaged them, and you're one step closer to converting them. 


The content you introduce should be compelling and relevant. Your landing page is an opportunity to effectively sell your product or service to readers. Your text should function as a salesperson, clearly conveying the benefits of choosing your product or service over competitors. A good website landing page is supposed to be focused on one area of your business, and its content should stay specific to it. Mentioning other services or products will convolute the content causing readers to disengage and exit before acting on a CTA.

Search Engine Optimization

While strong content is vital, it's just as important that it get found by the right audience. You can improve the success of your landing page by implementing strategic SEO to improve your search engine rankings and exposure. This will attract targeted visitors to your page and facilitate more conversions. 

Landing page optimization strategies are devised using expert strategy and vast industry knowledge. The Xi Digital team is equipped with SEO experts who understand how to tailor SEO tactics for your specific industry and unique service offering to get your landing page moving up in the search engine rankings and being found/viewed more often. 

Trust Building 

When shopping for services or products online, visitors want to be confident that the service provider or e-commerce store they choose is reputable and trustworthy. To showcase your business's credibility, it's beneficial to feature awards, reviews, testimonials, and association memberships on your landing page. Include web badges from the BBB, industry associations, google reviews, Trustpilot, and others like these. This will give visitors a quick confirmation that you can deliver on what you're promising, urging them to convert. 

Mobile Optimization

The difference between a subpar landing page and a high converting landing page comes down to the details. A mobile-optimized landing page can increase the number of leads you generate. A landing page must be responsive to the various screen sizes the page will be viewed on. A poor user experience could be the factor that results in a visitor not submitting their capture form or clicking through on the call to action. If you're unsure how else your user experience can be improved, contact the Xi Digital team, who can help you audit your desktop and mobile site. 

Track Metrics 

A stagnant strategy won't be successful forever, so it's beneficial to always keep in mind how your landing page or future landing pages can be improved. Metrics and analytics are indicators of how your page is performing and can be used to identify areas that can be strengthened. A/B testing is an effective way to determine what headlines and CTAs result in more click-throughs. Keeping track of your bounce rate can help you identify pages that are not engaging readers or ineffective CTA's that can be improved. 

Remember, landing pages aren't one size fits all. Your business is unique, and your digital marketing strategy should be too. That's why it's beneficial to get the help of an expert. 

Xi Digital is equipped with knowledge of various industries and can deliver strategies tailored to your specific business needs so you can increase conversions and see continuous growth. 

Download Xi Digital's Landing Page Guide to learn more on how to boost your conversion rate. To find out how else you can generate leads, contact Xi Digital today

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