
Xi Digital Blog

Reviving Your Business Post-COVID-19

COVID-19 has caused the world to slow down forcing many companies to take a pause on their regular business routines and budgets. But with Toronto slowly reopening, there is no time like the present to get back to work and reconsider your marketing techniques.

Here are 4 ways to enhance your digital marketing to help revive your business post-COVID-19.

1. Inform Customers About Any Changes in Your Service

While your business may be reopening, that doesn’t mean it will function in the same way as before. In order to prepare for these new changes, it’s important to inform and update your customers about any changes in your service. Our digital marketing team has added pop-ups to some of our clients’ websites in order to communicate exactly how they have adapted to the changes presented from COVID-19 in a professional and reassuring manner.

Click here to see an example of a pop-up message.

2. E-Commerce Adjustments

With stores being closed, and in-person services limited, now is the right time to think about e-commerce integration with your business. As social distancing is still in effect, learning to embrace the benefits of online selling can actually help increase sales, and help your business get back on track. This adaptation is necessary to create a space where customers can not only purchase products online but also purchase services. While this may be something they haven’t done before, allowing customers to purchase services online is a great way to avoid the spread of COVID-19, while still being able to successfully run your business.

3. Tying Up Loose Ends With Develex

Back in March, when businesses began closing and COVID-19 took the world by storm, business owners were forced to cut budgets, pause projects and product launches, as well as letting employees go. Because of these types of issues, getting your business back on track can seem daunting - you may not have the resources to hire staff back on, or have the staff to complete started projects. Our Develex platform allows you to easily continue working on incomplete and existing projects that you need help finishing.

Learn more about Develex here.

4. Tune Up Your Website

If your business has been slow the past few months, now is the time to improve and tune up your website to make it more effective for your business. The digital world is constantly changing; and as your digital marketing partner, Xi Digital is dedicated to staying current with leading marketing and usability trends so that your business attracts more users, converts them to happy customers, and continues to grow. From updating your Google My Business platform, optimizing your site for voice search, or creating more descriptive ALT Texts, we’ve done the research for you to understand some key upgrades your business should consider in order to stand out and be successful post-COVID-19.


Revive Your Business with Xi Digital

We’re excited to help get your business back on track post-COVID-19 with a fully optimized and updated web presence. Contact an expert at Xi Digital to get started today.

Make an Impression & Get Creative with Xi Digital

The key to successful marketing online is creativity and strategy. At Xi Digital, we blend both aspects to deliver tailored strategies that work for your business. Make the most of the holidays with digital marketing, from social media to search engine optimization and paid ads. Contact us today to get started!

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