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4 Steps to Launch an E-Commerce Website

The COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses to reconsider how they operate as lockdowns, and stay-at-home orders overwhelmed the country resulting in a widespread transition to e-commerce. Consumers have responded positively to the shift online, so much, so that aggregate spending skyrocketed in 2020 by more than 72%. E-commerce growth shows no sign of slowing down in the coming years; an Adobe report projects that online spending will exceed records by topping $1 trillion by 2022. 

You too can reap the benefits of an e-commerce website, and in 4 simple steps, this could be your biggest year yet.

1. Purchase Your Domain 

To begin e-commerce development, your first order of business is to choose a unique domain that will serve as the URL that will physically link your customers to your website. When selecting your domain, it’s vital that you choose a name that’s memorable, simple, and reflective of your brand. More often than not, the best domain is the name of your business.

It’s helpful to brainstorm 3-5 potential domains you would be happy with in case your favourite is already taken.  

2. Select the Perfect Platform 

Once you have your domain locked and loaded, the next step is to select a web platform on which your e-commerce website will be built. Will it be a template-style website, or will it be a custom website? 

As you progress through your ecommerce web design stages, consider how the platform you select will influence your customer experience. If your website is fast, easy to navigate, intuitive and visually appealing, you will be more likely to convert sales and increase customer retention. 

There are many one-size-fits-all solutions available, such as WordPress, Shopify, Square Space, etc. It’s crucial to pick a platform that can be tailored to your specific needs. At XI Digital, we don’t force your website into a template. Instead, our e-commerce design team brings your unique vision to life by creating a custom website from scratch, without limitations in design or functionality, so your website both looks and functions exactly the way you want it to.  

3. Catalogue Your Content 

No e-commerce website is complete without its product and service offerings, so now that you have chosen your domain and platform, the third step of e-commerce design is to prepare your content. 

As your website is being built, gather a running list of all your products, descriptions, prices, images etc.  You might find it helpful to organize all of this product data into a spreadsheet so once your website is ready, your developer can upload your content quickly and efficiently. 

To further advance your e-commerce website’s content strategy, it’s beneficial to get seek advice from an eCommerce website development company. From landing pages to blogs, the professionals at XI Digital can help to guide your decision-making and facilitate proper planning, ensuring that you end up with a strategy that puts your business’s best interest at the forefront. 

4. Go Live!

It’s time to launch your website. You’re now ready to join the flourishing world of e-commerce! Once your site is live, you can turn your focus to increasing your exposure online through digital marketing strategies, which Xi Digital can help you with as well! With these four simple steps and a well-planned strategy, the benefits of e-commerce are yours for the taking. 

Contact XI Digital today to get started on your e-commerce website!

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